Security rules

Mandatory measures / pre-job tool box talks for contractors of EP Georgia Generation JSC (Download)

Instruction of first aid at accidents taken place in enterprises in JSC “Energo-Pro Georgia Generation” HPPs (GEO) (Download)

Safety instructions for electrical maintenance personnel of HPPs’ electrical equipment (GEO) (Download)

Instruction for the survey and verification of cranes of JSC “Energo-Pro Georgia Generation” (GEO) (Download)

Safety instruction for bridge crane operators (GEO) (Download)

Instruction for processing gas welding works with prophane, butane, oxygen and acetilene of JSC “Energo-Pro Georgia Generation” (GEO) (Download)

Instruction of labor safety during the fulfillment of works in hazardous and harmful conditions in the closed area/space of JSC “Energo-Pro Georgia Generation” (GEO) (Download)

Safety requirements during the exploitation and repairing of hydro technical constructions and hydro mechanical facilities of JSC “Energo-Pro Georgia Generation” (GEO) (Download)