Video Gallery

Program ENERGO Meter – Hydro Power Plants
For the rehabilitation of Ladjanuri HPP, only in 2023, more than 24 000 000 GEL was invested
For the rehabilitation of Ladjanuri HPP, only in 2023, more than 24 000 000 GEL was invested
The new ambassador of the Czech Republic visited one of the hydropower plants owned by “ENERGO-PRO Group”
The new ambassador of the Czech Republic visited one of the hydropower plants owned by “ENERGO-PRO Group”
Reconstruuction-Rehabilitation at Rioni HPP
Reconstruction-Rehabilitation of Rioni HPP
JSC “EP Georgia Generation” has started implementation of the project for preservation and reproduction of endemic species of fish in River Mtkvari
JSC “EP Georgia Generation” released the fries into the River Mtkvari – TV Imedi